I mentioned in an earlier post that I have been reading through "The Power of a Praying Wife Book of Prayers" by Stormie Omartian. I have been praying 1 prayer a day for Matt. They have taught me so much about how to really pray for him, in all aspects. Well, today is for his protection. If you read my post below about "Carrier", I talked about praying for Matt's protection as well as protection for our troops. I don't think this prayer came up today as an accident, so please, if you would, pray for Matt, his unit, and all the troops today.
I don't want to copy every prayer she writes on my blog for fear of copyright issues (though I will cite it), so please get ahold of a copy. They are so good. For today though, I thought I should include the prayer for "His Protection".
"Lord, I pray that you would protect [Matt] from any accidents, diseases, dangers, or evil influences. Keep him safe, especially in cars and planes [and boats and helicopters]. Hide him from violence and the plans of evil people. Wherever he walks, secure his steps. Keep him on Your path so that his feet don't slip (Psalm 17:5).
If his foot does slip, hold him up by Your mercy (Psalm 94:18). Give him the wisdom and discretion that will help him walk safely and not fall into danger (Proverbs 3:21-23).
Save him from any plans of the enemy that seek to destroy his life (Psalm 103:4). Preserve his going out and his coming in from this time forth and even forevermore (Psalm 121:8)" (The Power of a Praying Wife Book of Prayers, Stormie Omartian, p.52).
"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust." Psalm 91:1-2
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
So, this is what has been keeping me busy and up later at night this week. It's a PBS special, and sort of a documentary of the happenings aboard the USS Nimitz during a 6 month deployment in 2005.
My brother told me about it wondering if I would be interested. Ohh, that sounds like a thriller! (I'm not much for documentaries) He reminded me about it the night it began, so I changed the channel to just "check it out." I couldn't turn it off! Right now is one of those times Matt and I aren't able to communicate, as he is now on his ship (no not this one). This show has oddly enough been my connection to him. I get proud of myself for knowing what they're talking about and being familiar with the jobs. I see the guys covered in grease and hydraulic fluid and think of and smell my Man. It's definitely not the greatest nor the healthiest of all scents and won't be the next cologne! This carrier was home to jets and Matt works on the helicopters. (The Marine aircraft is always down on this carrier too....they are sooo OLD). My favorite part of staying on base was hearing the aircraft overhead (it's very loud) and thinking Matt had a hand in it. It truly is an unbelievable thing those things, helicopters or jets or any air craft get off the ground!
I think the show is also interesting because they interview the men and women, mostly of the Navy (go figure) but a few Marines too, about their present thoughts and their backgrounds. Some of their stories are heartbreaking but true. Last night on the show there was apparently a man overboard. They searched for over 3 days and didn't find him. It was so awful to watch the time go by with no rescue. It was another sober reminder to me to keep praying for safety and protection of all our military no matter where they are, "war zone" or not. If I can take the liberty, I think this special is a fairly accurate portrayal. Obviously, they can't show everything, but I think they give a pretty good picture of what happens....I ignorantly say while never being on a carrier! Anyone is welcome to share their thoughts or opinions to agree or disagree. I'm sure my readers are watching this show too, I mean come on, it's a PBS thriller! In any ordinary situation, eh hem, Matt not being recalled, I probably wouldn't be watching it unless, of course, Matt wanted to watch it with me and teach me about it all.
I'm thankful it's been on this week. I go to bed thinking of Matt somewhere out there working hard and fervently pray for his protection. I'm also very grateful for all the men and women's service to all of us Americans. Please continue to pray for our troops...for their body, mind, and soul.
*Words cannot express how much I love you Matt. Thank you for your hard work for our family and our country. Less than 2 1/2 months till you're back in the states! I can't wait!
My brother told me about it wondering if I would be interested. Ohh, that sounds like a thriller! (I'm not much for documentaries) He reminded me about it the night it began, so I changed the channel to just "check it out." I couldn't turn it off! Right now is one of those times Matt and I aren't able to communicate, as he is now on his ship (no not this one). This show has oddly enough been my connection to him. I get proud of myself for knowing what they're talking about and being familiar with the jobs. I see the guys covered in grease and hydraulic fluid and think of and smell my Man. It's definitely not the greatest nor the healthiest of all scents and won't be the next cologne! This carrier was home to jets and Matt works on the helicopters. (The Marine aircraft is always down on this carrier too....they are sooo OLD). My favorite part of staying on base was hearing the aircraft overhead (it's very loud) and thinking Matt had a hand in it. It truly is an unbelievable thing those things, helicopters or jets or any air craft get off the ground!
I think the show is also interesting because they interview the men and women, mostly of the Navy (go figure) but a few Marines too, about their present thoughts and their backgrounds. Some of their stories are heartbreaking but true. Last night on the show there was apparently a man overboard. They searched for over 3 days and didn't find him. It was so awful to watch the time go by with no rescue. It was another sober reminder to me to keep praying for safety and protection of all our military no matter where they are, "war zone" or not. If I can take the liberty, I think this special is a fairly accurate portrayal. Obviously, they can't show everything, but I think they give a pretty good picture of what happens....I ignorantly say while never being on a carrier! Anyone is welcome to share their thoughts or opinions to agree or disagree. I'm sure my readers are watching this show too, I mean come on, it's a PBS thriller! In any ordinary situation, eh hem, Matt not being recalled, I probably wouldn't be watching it unless, of course, Matt wanted to watch it with me and teach me about it all.
I'm thankful it's been on this week. I go to bed thinking of Matt somewhere out there working hard and fervently pray for his protection. I'm also very grateful for all the men and women's service to all of us Americans. Please continue to pray for our troops...for their body, mind, and soul.
*Words cannot express how much I love you Matt. Thank you for your hard work for our family and our country. Less than 2 1/2 months till you're back in the states! I can't wait!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
"If I had a memory book..."
When I was little, I was my mom's little Laura Ingalls Wilder. I had the dark hair, freckles, similar voice and spunk to Laura, well Melissa Gilbert anyway. Sometimes, I think about her line, "If I had a memory book..." she'd record those sights and feelings she had during the good times and the hard times. She said this as a very young girl on her family's way out to the prarie as they left behind their home and grandparents. They left the familiar on their way to the unknown.
Today, is one of those "memory book" times for me, sort of. I had a wonderful talk with Matt over webcam this morning, but I wonder, when will it be easier to say goodbye? It is such a roller coaster to say good-bye over and over again. I said good-bye in Ocotber when he left home, in November after a short weekend together, in December after 3 blessed weeks together, after every phone call and instant messenger session. It honestly doesn't get easier, and I still get teary, especially for the long-term-short-term good-byes. Today, I said good-bye again. Matt is getting on the boat tomorrow and that means another month and a half with little communication. I am so thankful for the communication opportunities we have had so far, however unreliable, however long or short. I love my man and just hearing his voice or seeing his "digital" face over webcam calms me and fills me with such joy. Those times are truly the highlight of my day and what I look forward to most. Ending and letting go, however, are the least favorite times for me. I know, for some, this time apart really isn't all that long, but for us, it is. I did not get married to live apart. I did not get married to not talk and share times and memories together. I just long to be with the other part of our "one". I am not angry with Matt for being in the military, but sometimes it is difficult since he was recalled... because he wanted to be done. Those creepers come up every time I say good-bye...just wanting this to be over.
Lately, I've been thinking and looking forward to the time when this will be over. So much is unclear along the way and as we look towards what lies ahead. Matt will be coming home any time between July and October. Then the hunt for jobs are on as well as for an apartment or a house! I am sooo excited to move! We have a lot of questions about when and where. My job also depends on when he comes home...do I even look for a full-time teaching position if he doesn't end up coming home till October?...if that's the case, I want to be with him as much as I can...and San Diego isn't around the corner! All these varying factors kind of caught me off guard this week, and to be honest, did get me a little anxious. At this point, I don't even care where we move (weelll, I prefer within the U.S.) as long as I'm with Matt! (That's another favorite line of mine from Little House, Caroline says to Charles that she goes where he goes and her home is whereever he is.) I know Who has this all in His hands and that's where I can rest too, safely and securely. Matt and I had a devotion on trusting in the Lord this morning. How fitting? I hope I don't always seem negative in my posts. Writing is just one of my outlets these days especially, and I'm just throwing down my thoughts of the moment. I just may need some reminders to continue hanging on and trusting...and maybe a few tissues and a few good jokes along the way.
For now, I'm taking that (eh hem, now expensive) covered wagon to the bank, the store, checking out a garage sale, coming back home to make little cupcakes for the baby shower tomorrow and take care of other things around our little house.
*Thinking of you! I love you Bubbs!!
Today, is one of those "memory book" times for me, sort of. I had a wonderful talk with Matt over webcam this morning, but I wonder, when will it be easier to say goodbye? It is such a roller coaster to say good-bye over and over again. I said good-bye in Ocotber when he left home, in November after a short weekend together, in December after 3 blessed weeks together, after every phone call and instant messenger session. It honestly doesn't get easier, and I still get teary, especially for the long-term-short-term good-byes. Today, I said good-bye again. Matt is getting on the boat tomorrow and that means another month and a half with little communication. I am so thankful for the communication opportunities we have had so far, however unreliable, however long or short. I love my man and just hearing his voice or seeing his "digital" face over webcam calms me and fills me with such joy. Those times are truly the highlight of my day and what I look forward to most. Ending and letting go, however, are the least favorite times for me. I know, for some, this time apart really isn't all that long, but for us, it is. I did not get married to live apart. I did not get married to not talk and share times and memories together. I just long to be with the other part of our "one". I am not angry with Matt for being in the military, but sometimes it is difficult since he was recalled... because he wanted to be done. Those creepers come up every time I say good-bye...just wanting this to be over.
Lately, I've been thinking and looking forward to the time when this will be over. So much is unclear along the way and as we look towards what lies ahead. Matt will be coming home any time between July and October. Then the hunt for jobs are on as well as for an apartment or a house! I am sooo excited to move! We have a lot of questions about when and where. My job also depends on when he comes home...do I even look for a full-time teaching position if he doesn't end up coming home till October?...if that's the case, I want to be with him as much as I can...and San Diego isn't around the corner! All these varying factors kind of caught me off guard this week, and to be honest, did get me a little anxious. At this point, I don't even care where we move (weelll, I prefer within the U.S.) as long as I'm with Matt! (That's another favorite line of mine from Little House, Caroline says to Charles that she goes where he goes and her home is whereever he is.) I know Who has this all in His hands and that's where I can rest too, safely and securely. Matt and I had a devotion on trusting in the Lord this morning. How fitting? I hope I don't always seem negative in my posts. Writing is just one of my outlets these days especially, and I'm just throwing down my thoughts of the moment. I just may need some reminders to continue hanging on and trusting...and maybe a few tissues and a few good jokes along the way.
For now, I'm taking that (eh hem, now expensive) covered wagon to the bank, the store, checking out a garage sale, coming back home to make little cupcakes for the baby shower tomorrow and take care of other things around our little house.
*Thinking of you! I love you Bubbs!!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
the joys of teaching
I really do enjoy teaching, but some days do come along that I feel like I need to reconvince myself. Subbing is a little intimidating sometimes because of the fear of the unknown: what the class will be like, quality of the plans, and countless other "little things" that could quickly turn into "big things". Yesterday, was one of those days I wasn't whole heartedly enthusiastic to get back into teaching...and then I received a call this morning for the same class today.
I was in a 3rd grade, and honestly, it was an ok day until 2 boys almost got into a brawl. The disrespect, even after being reprimanded, and feeling of entitlement on behalf of each of the boys was unacceptable and frustrating for me. I did the best I was able to in the situation with the amount of time I had, but it still left me feeling...ugghh. Is this really what I want to do? I really love the teaching part, but dealing with nasty monkey business isn't my favorite. I come home thinking, if my child ever said those things to his/her teacher...or did that to a classmate... I hope and pray my husband and I will be able to train our children, with the Lord's guidance, what is right and wrong and the proper place and respect children, I believe, should maintain and give to those in authority. I also hope these children learn too.
Yes, I was also the meanie or imcompassionate teacher when I received 2 requests for the nurses office by 2 little girls, one with a canker sore, the other a bruise she got a couple days ago. I think you're going to be ok! Am I really that bad that you want to leave on account of old bruises and a canker sore?? I do remember in 5th grade when we would race to sign up for the bathroom when the teacher would pull out her guitar. Come on now! I'm not singing Kermit the Frog songs ("It's not Easy Being Green") to you! We also sang Mariah Carey's "Hero" song. Umm, we felt a little, ...a lot, silly.
On the other hand, I had some really memorable times with these students. In Social Studies we read and discussed about farming and manufacturing. We talked about how goods are sometimes bought from other countries and we ship ours to other countries too. So, off the cuff, to make it "real" for them I told them, "if they were comfortable" to ask the partner next to them to check the tag on the neck of their t-shirt to see where it was made. You would've thought I brought in a 10 pound bag of candy! They thought this was the best activity ever! (Though I did have to emphasize NOT to take their shirts OFF...oh dear, talk about getting fired!) Students were coming up to me dragging their partner along by the tag to ask me how to read, "Indonesia" and "Malasia" and all sorts of different countries. Yes, I believe 2 or 3 were made in the good old U.S.A....I was actually surpised that many were. Watching the students make their connections and seeing that light bulb go off is such a thrill for me. These kids had down by the end of today what supply and demand meant, as well as scarcity and a couple other terms I thought were pretty hefty for 8 year olds. It was also exciting for them catching onto division with remainders.
And of course, there's always at least one flub for me when subbing. I took the kids out for recess and were just heading back in as another class was coming out. Literally, like 4 steps from the door, I watched as the little prop thing (umm, a classy piece of shingle I think), that stopped the door from shutting, fell out and left us with a locked door. The students were yelling, "AHH, we're locked out!" just as any dramatic 3rd grader would, and so I asked them what they do when this happens. "Uhh, this doesn't really happen. We could walk to the front door!" As much fun as it would be to walk alll the way around the school, most certainly disrupting each class with their windows open, we waited for someone inside to walk by and rescue us. Sure enough, within a few minutes we were back in the building to the classroom. I felt like a stupid substitute, but oh well, if that was the worse thing that happened to today...I'll settle for it.
I did take myself out for a McDonald's burger and milkshake tonight. That was my reward and wrap up to a good day! Those chocolate shakes are like a spa treatment! Well, I've never been to a spa...but I think I can make some connections!
I was in a 3rd grade, and honestly, it was an ok day until 2 boys almost got into a brawl. The disrespect, even after being reprimanded, and feeling of entitlement on behalf of each of the boys was unacceptable and frustrating for me. I did the best I was able to in the situation with the amount of time I had, but it still left me feeling...ugghh. Is this really what I want to do? I really love the teaching part, but dealing with nasty monkey business isn't my favorite. I come home thinking, if my child ever said those things to his/her teacher...or did that to a classmate... I hope and pray my husband and I will be able to train our children, with the Lord's guidance, what is right and wrong and the proper place and respect children, I believe, should maintain and give to those in authority. I also hope these children learn too.
Yes, I was also the meanie or imcompassionate teacher when I received 2 requests for the nurses office by 2 little girls, one with a canker sore, the other a bruise she got a couple days ago. I think you're going to be ok! Am I really that bad that you want to leave on account of old bruises and a canker sore?? I do remember in 5th grade when we would race to sign up for the bathroom when the teacher would pull out her guitar. Come on now! I'm not singing Kermit the Frog songs ("It's not Easy Being Green") to you! We also sang Mariah Carey's "Hero" song. Umm, we felt a little, ...a lot, silly.
On the other hand, I had some really memorable times with these students. In Social Studies we read and discussed about farming and manufacturing. We talked about how goods are sometimes bought from other countries and we ship ours to other countries too. So, off the cuff, to make it "real" for them I told them, "if they were comfortable" to ask the partner next to them to check the tag on the neck of their t-shirt to see where it was made. You would've thought I brought in a 10 pound bag of candy! They thought this was the best activity ever! (Though I did have to emphasize NOT to take their shirts OFF...oh dear, talk about getting fired!) Students were coming up to me dragging their partner along by the tag to ask me how to read, "Indonesia" and "Malasia" and all sorts of different countries. Yes, I believe 2 or 3 were made in the good old U.S.A....I was actually surpised that many were. Watching the students make their connections and seeing that light bulb go off is such a thrill for me. These kids had down by the end of today what supply and demand meant, as well as scarcity and a couple other terms I thought were pretty hefty for 8 year olds. It was also exciting for them catching onto division with remainders.
And of course, there's always at least one flub for me when subbing. I took the kids out for recess and were just heading back in as another class was coming out. Literally, like 4 steps from the door, I watched as the little prop thing (umm, a classy piece of shingle I think), that stopped the door from shutting, fell out and left us with a locked door. The students were yelling, "AHH, we're locked out!" just as any dramatic 3rd grader would, and so I asked them what they do when this happens. "Uhh, this doesn't really happen. We could walk to the front door!" As much fun as it would be to walk alll the way around the school, most certainly disrupting each class with their windows open, we waited for someone inside to walk by and rescue us. Sure enough, within a few minutes we were back in the building to the classroom. I felt like a stupid substitute, but oh well, if that was the worse thing that happened to today...I'll settle for it.
I did take myself out for a McDonald's burger and milkshake tonight. That was my reward and wrap up to a good day! Those chocolate shakes are like a spa treatment! Well, I've never been to a spa...but I think I can make some connections!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
today is a significant day
I have to share this! Today is the half way point of this year apart for Matt and I! That is sooooo exciting for me, and for him too I think! 6 months ago today, my husband left home. In 6 months (and actually, there's a possibility it may be sooner, but I can't hold my breath) Matt will be home! Knowing we have half of this down, I can't help but smile. This hasn't gone quickly, and it certainly has not been "easy"; we have lived each day (and sometimes endured them). Throughout it all though, God has been gracious. The other good news is I should be able to see Matt again in July when he's back in California. I can't wait!!
*I love you Man! Thank you for your note today!

I'm holding your place!! We're still together even though we're apart! Till we're together again!!
*I love you Man! Thank you for your note today!
I'm holding your place!! We're still together even though we're apart! Till we're together again!!
if you're a bug lover, don't read this
Don't have much time? Skip to the end of this post. That's the summary!
I enjoy being outside. I also enjoy camping. Summer camp was the highlight of my summers when I was growing up. I didn't mind being dirty, surrounded by nature and all that comes with it...bugs, spiders, smelly tents. I loved sleeping in tents! Several sleepovers at Laura's included sleeping in the backyard in a tent. It was just so much fun. It still is, right Matt? ;) Here's a picture of our teeny tiny tent...it cracks me up. It's amazing Matt can actually sit up in it. The bulging sides are definitely from our air mattress. We sure know how to rough it!

Tangent: When I worked at the summer camp in Pennsylvania, we even took the campers out to sleep under the stars once a week. To be honest, I was a little nervous about that one because there was a known mama bear and cubs that lived right in that wooded area...and we had a huge group of kids, LOTS of marshmallows, hershey bars, and graham crackers. We had not cleaned up well at all...so I was envisioning waking up to bears licking my face or well, I'm sure you can imagine. Thankfully, I woke up safe (the campers too) but had a camper's marshmallow sticky stick stuck to my sleeping bag next to my pillow...eww. Thanks camper! We also had an incident of a camper flinging me in the head with a flamed stick on accident. A camper and I also almost got attacked by a dog on one of our runs. I thought one of the directors was joking when he asked if I wanted to run with a blow horn! I guess not! Oh how we were protected that particular summer!
So anyways, I enjoy the outdoors, especially for camping. Alas, there comes a time in every young woman's life (at least THIS young woman's life), when she takes down the tent and comes inside to sleep in a cozy bed at home... to get away from the dirt and bugs. However, the bugs are not staying out in the lush green grass with blooming flowers, flowing wind that blows through their tentacles or hairs, and of course where the "good eats" are for them. No, they have decided to trek through my walls, the door, wherever to join me in our cozy, but truthfully basement, apartment. I'm thinking of setting up our tent in our apartment these days, so I can zip myself off from them! Maybe I'll just get some of that misquito netting for around the main parts of the rooms I spend the most time in. The spiders have been pretty outrageous lately and the millipedes are back...dun dun dun. I recommend for everyone to take stock in Raid because I keep it in business. Yes, Raid is for the millipedes and flip flops for the rest.
Tangent 2, sort of: I remember Matt telling me he wondered how I would handle taking care of the millipedes myself while he's gone. (Of course that was his job, I mean area of expertise, before he left.) I honestly didn't take him seriously when he said he didn't think I would be able to squish them. Come on, a little bug? Don't you remember I'm tough, Matt? The first one I saw after he left was probably a day after. I picked it up in a napkin and squeezed. Oh, then I squeezed harder. Oh, then I squeezed with all my might! Nothing! They curl up in a ball and turn into rocks or something. So, I set the napkin on the floor folded over so I didn't get millipeded juice on my shoes and stepped on it, checked it, still in-tact. Ok, then I stomped on it with heeled shoes as hard as I thought I could, and I checked it. I broke off a tenticle. Are you for real? So, I started jumping on it and yelling... finally taking care of the task. I felt ridiculous but at the same time, I did it! I told the story, a little bit exaggerated to my dad (and to Matt later). I got to the end of my long story and my dad said, "Why didn't you just flush it?" ...a slightly perturbed chuckle came out of my mouth...oh, yeah, flush it. Well, I don't want crazy huge ones growing in my toilet so I use Raid and then discard.
The point or "summary": I'm not a bug hater. I actually don't even really mind bugs, spiders, whatever, BUT, not in our home!!

Matt and I camping at Letchworth State Park last summer.
*I love you! Let's go camping...outside of our apartment!
I enjoy being outside. I also enjoy camping. Summer camp was the highlight of my summers when I was growing up. I didn't mind being dirty, surrounded by nature and all that comes with it...bugs, spiders, smelly tents. I loved sleeping in tents! Several sleepovers at Laura's included sleeping in the backyard in a tent. It was just so much fun. It still is, right Matt? ;) Here's a picture of our teeny tiny tent...it cracks me up. It's amazing Matt can actually sit up in it. The bulging sides are definitely from our air mattress. We sure know how to rough it!

Tangent: When I worked at the summer camp in Pennsylvania, we even took the campers out to sleep under the stars once a week. To be honest, I was a little nervous about that one because there was a known mama bear and cubs that lived right in that wooded area...and we had a huge group of kids, LOTS of marshmallows, hershey bars, and graham crackers. We had not cleaned up well at all...so I was envisioning waking up to bears licking my face or well, I'm sure you can imagine. Thankfully, I woke up safe (the campers too) but had a camper's marshmallow sticky stick stuck to my sleeping bag next to my pillow...eww. Thanks camper! We also had an incident of a camper flinging me in the head with a flamed stick on accident. A camper and I also almost got attacked by a dog on one of our runs. I thought one of the directors was joking when he asked if I wanted to run with a blow horn! I guess not! Oh how we were protected that particular summer!
So anyways, I enjoy the outdoors, especially for camping. Alas, there comes a time in every young woman's life (at least THIS young woman's life), when she takes down the tent and comes inside to sleep in a cozy bed at home... to get away from the dirt and bugs. However, the bugs are not staying out in the lush green grass with blooming flowers, flowing wind that blows through their tentacles or hairs, and of course where the "good eats" are for them. No, they have decided to trek through my walls, the door, wherever to join me in our cozy, but truthfully basement, apartment. I'm thinking of setting up our tent in our apartment these days, so I can zip myself off from them! Maybe I'll just get some of that misquito netting for around the main parts of the rooms I spend the most time in. The spiders have been pretty outrageous lately and the millipedes are back...dun dun dun. I recommend for everyone to take stock in Raid because I keep it in business. Yes, Raid is for the millipedes and flip flops for the rest.
Tangent 2, sort of: I remember Matt telling me he wondered how I would handle taking care of the millipedes myself while he's gone. (Of course that was his job, I mean area of expertise, before he left.) I honestly didn't take him seriously when he said he didn't think I would be able to squish them. Come on, a little bug? Don't you remember I'm tough, Matt? The first one I saw after he left was probably a day after. I picked it up in a napkin and squeezed. Oh, then I squeezed harder. Oh, then I squeezed with all my might! Nothing! They curl up in a ball and turn into rocks or something. So, I set the napkin on the floor folded over so I didn't get millipeded juice on my shoes and stepped on it, checked it, still in-tact. Ok, then I stomped on it with heeled shoes as hard as I thought I could, and I checked it. I broke off a tenticle. Are you for real? So, I started jumping on it and yelling... finally taking care of the task. I felt ridiculous but at the same time, I did it! I told the story, a little bit exaggerated to my dad (and to Matt later). I got to the end of my long story and my dad said, "Why didn't you just flush it?" ...a slightly perturbed chuckle came out of my mouth...oh, yeah, flush it. Well, I don't want crazy huge ones growing in my toilet so I use Raid and then discard.
The point or "summary": I'm not a bug hater. I actually don't even really mind bugs, spiders, whatever, BUT, not in our home!!

Matt and I camping at Letchworth State Park last summer.
*I love you! Let's go camping...outside of our apartment!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
our "new" blender thingy
Right now is one of those wonderful ahhh moments. I was thinking the other day how I could incorporate some more foods to meet my nutritious needs, and since it is soo nice out lately (it was in the 70's today, can you believe it??), I decided I would love some makings for a strawberry smoothie. Not only can I make one that gets my yogurt in (if you know me you know I'm a terrible milk drinker) and strawberries, my favorite fruit, and it is something that tastes wonderful. So, I'm using the kraft recipe with yogurt, strawberries, ice, and COOL Whip...another one of my favorite things! It is so worth it. There were some recipes that use soy milk. I wasn't too keen on that idea. If I have a hard time drinking regular milk, I would have a really hard time drinking that. Maybe you can't taste it in a smoothie. Anyway, this is delicous, and I'm going to be talking to Matt in just a little while. How could this be any better? ;) Ok, after I kill that nasty looking bug crawling across the floor, how could this get any better? I seriously could have an exterminator's license, certification or whatever they have. Maybe you just need the equipment? I usually use shoes. Someday, we'll live above the ground....ohhh, someday. I eat and dream.
Of course, the process of making this treat was an adventure and could've qualified for a good episode on Cooking Witb B. Growing up, we never owned a blender. To this day, I still have not owned a blender...persay...I sort of do now. I made lots of milkshakes but would just mix it up with a spoon. Ice is a little more difficult to work with. Matt's mom found out how much Matt and I enjoy our chocolate milkshakes, so she gave us some extra appliances they had. It's an Ultimate Chopper and Ultimate Blender combo. You have to attach both together to make the blender...maybe that's common knowledge...not for me! It was a learning experience in itself trying to put that together. The instructions give letters, A, B, C etc. but the pictures aren't labeled with letters...hmm. I finally got it hooked together and added the ingredients...yes, I did remember to put the lid on (I was worried I'd forget), and I turned it on. Boy was it loud! I thought our apartment was going to take off! It took several rounds of turning it on and adding some more ingredients because it is kind of a tiny thing and it warns against going above the fill line. So, I was so excited when I was done, I unscrewed it to pour it into my cup. Well, I unscrewed the pitcher part (which I did not know did NOT have a bottom...because that's where the blade is...go figure) and it all, well half, dumped out the bottom. Oops. I guess you're supposed to unscrew the bottom part attached to the chopper too. I still needed to pour it though, so I lifted it once again thinking I would just pour it and take care of the mess after. Yes, another not bright move as more slowly oozed out the bottom. I must have been distracted...that's it! I did end up with enough to make a nice large cup full, and then had to clean up that mess...just when I thought I had been successful at keeping the kitchen somewhat clean. It was worth it! So delicious. It uses sort of a lot of utensils but oh well. I am now familiar with our blender thing we got this almost a year ago!
*I love you! We don't have to mix with spoons anymore!!
Of course, the process of making this treat was an adventure and could've qualified for a good episode on Cooking Witb B. Growing up, we never owned a blender. To this day, I still have not owned a blender...persay...I sort of do now. I made lots of milkshakes but would just mix it up with a spoon. Ice is a little more difficult to work with. Matt's mom found out how much Matt and I enjoy our chocolate milkshakes, so she gave us some extra appliances they had. It's an Ultimate Chopper and Ultimate Blender combo. You have to attach both together to make the blender...maybe that's common knowledge...not for me! It was a learning experience in itself trying to put that together. The instructions give letters, A, B, C etc. but the pictures aren't labeled with letters...hmm. I finally got it hooked together and added the ingredients...yes, I did remember to put the lid on (I was worried I'd forget), and I turned it on. Boy was it loud! I thought our apartment was going to take off! It took several rounds of turning it on and adding some more ingredients because it is kind of a tiny thing and it warns against going above the fill line. So, I was so excited when I was done, I unscrewed it to pour it into my cup. Well, I unscrewed the pitcher part (which I did not know did NOT have a bottom...because that's where the blade is...go figure) and it all, well half, dumped out the bottom. Oops. I guess you're supposed to unscrew the bottom part attached to the chopper too. I still needed to pour it though, so I lifted it once again thinking I would just pour it and take care of the mess after. Yes, another not bright move as more slowly oozed out the bottom. I must have been distracted...that's it! I did end up with enough to make a nice large cup full, and then had to clean up that mess...just when I thought I had been successful at keeping the kitchen somewhat clean. It was worth it! So delicious. It uses sort of a lot of utensils but oh well. I am now familiar with our blender thing we got this almost a year ago!
*I love you! We don't have to mix with spoons anymore!!
Friday, April 11, 2008
God is working in my life. I'm sitting here listening to "There is None Like You" next to a spider (common occurence at our place), and I am at such peace (not a common occurence lately anyway). I believe God is wanting to grow me in different ways, and my prayer is that I would listen and answer His call. I don't want to drag my feet or become self-consumed. I desire more of the fruit of the Spirit. My fruit has withered because of sin. However, I have been redeemed! I just want to glorify Him and grow in wisdom, in stature (hehe) and favor with my God.
The prayers Stormie Omartian provides in "The Power of a Praying Wife (Book of Prayers)" have also been helpful to me in my growth recently. I have been focusing on one of the prayers each day. They have been an encouraging and convicting learning tool for application in my life and prayer life.
There are a lot of "little big" things on my heart, but those are for my heart, my husband, and God. This is all I will share for now. Thank you for your love, prayers, and support.
Another good note: yes, my car is finally back! I feel like a teenager with a brand new car...not that I personally know what that feels like :) but I can imagine! I still wouldn't mind that white horse riding off into the sunset with Matt kinda thing though.
*I love you!
The prayers Stormie Omartian provides in "The Power of a Praying Wife (Book of Prayers)" have also been helpful to me in my growth recently. I have been focusing on one of the prayers each day. They have been an encouraging and convicting learning tool for application in my life and prayer life.
There are a lot of "little big" things on my heart, but those are for my heart, my husband, and God. This is all I will share for now. Thank you for your love, prayers, and support.
Another good note: yes, my car is finally back! I feel like a teenager with a brand new car...not that I personally know what that feels like :) but I can imagine! I still wouldn't mind that white horse riding off into the sunset with Matt kinda thing though.
*I love you!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
a new car
a new apartment or a house!
a break and a white horse
My car has been under "inspection" since last Thursday, have been unable to teach, and am still without it (can we say cabin fever?) facing a very big bill.
Our gas and electric bill isn't going down since I've started sending in the readings. Grrr. I was keeping the heat at 62 until the other week I turned it up to 64 (is that unreasonable for upstate NY?) because I just needed a bit more and our basement apartment tends to smell when colder and damp...go figure. Ahh mold!
Ok, I'll settle for a break from all this. Remember those Calgon commercials? Calgon, Take me away!! (That was a common phrase for me when working at the daycare.) Matthew, come take me away!! Umm, in what car?...I don't know, one with 3 wheels? Nah, we're going to ride off into the sunset on a white horse!
Good news: we are down to about 99 days (always a guesstimate...aka Becky countdown) till Matt is back in California...and I'm there too!! Breaking that 100 mark is good news! Also, that means, we are just about half way done with this year! It has almost been 6 months since my Man left home. It's a funny thing to be happy your husband has been gone for a long time...because that means he's coming home!
*I've got my riding boots on Cowboy! I was born ready!

...just because it's a favorite of yours
a new apartment or a house!
a break and a white horse
My car has been under "inspection" since last Thursday, have been unable to teach, and am still without it (can we say cabin fever?) facing a very big bill.
Our gas and electric bill isn't going down since I've started sending in the readings. Grrr. I was keeping the heat at 62 until the other week I turned it up to 64 (is that unreasonable for upstate NY?) because I just needed a bit more and our basement apartment tends to smell when colder and damp...go figure. Ahh mold!
Ok, I'll settle for a break from all this. Remember those Calgon commercials? Calgon, Take me away!! (That was a common phrase for me when working at the daycare.) Matthew, come take me away!! Umm, in what car?...I don't know, one with 3 wheels? Nah, we're going to ride off into the sunset on a white horse!
Good news: we are down to about 99 days (always a guesstimate...aka Becky countdown) till Matt is back in California...and I'm there too!! Breaking that 100 mark is good news! Also, that means, we are just about half way done with this year! It has almost been 6 months since my Man left home. It's a funny thing to be happy your husband has been gone for a long time...because that means he's coming home!
*I've got my riding boots on Cowboy! I was born ready!

...just because it's a favorite of yours
Monday, April 7, 2008
I'm Ready!
I'm ready for a change in my blog! I know it's plain, and I'm tired of the colors. I'm kind of a plain girl, and I didn't really like the options given for templates, so I went with the "plainest" umm, most plain, or traditional one. Hopefully soon this will look a little different. Although, it may not last long. We'll see. Oh, anyone who can help me put videos on here, I'd really appreciate it (they can be seen when previewed but only show up with an x on the blog page). I'm hoping to post videos and pictures for Matt on another blog.
(Yes, I guess that's another secret: sometimes I still play dress up)
*I love you! You look much better in your work clothes than I do! ;)
Friday, April 4, 2008
i don't think this is accurate
I saw this thing:
You can type in your first and last name and find out how many people have the same name as you in the U.S.A. Just be sure you say you're older than 13!!
Anyway, I know my name isn't super common like Mike Smith, but....only 4 people in the U.S. with my first and last name? That's pretty ironic, since I happen to know 3 of them! My husband's brother's wife has the same name and my husband's only aunt on his father's side has the same name. Quite a coincidence to have 3 in the same family in the first place. Hmm, could there only be 1 more in the U.S? (I'm not convinced.) I found the missing 4th, if that's the case...she does something with grave stones or something. I can't really remember. Come on, you've never googled your name to see what comes up? I guess the census needs some updating.
Oh, it also said more than 99.9% of people named Rebecca are female...isn't that a relief?
*Proud and honored to share your last name Man! I love you!!
You can type in your first and last name and find out how many people have the same name as you in the U.S.A. Just be sure you say you're older than 13!!
Anyway, I know my name isn't super common like Mike Smith, but....only 4 people in the U.S. with my first and last name? That's pretty ironic, since I happen to know 3 of them! My husband's brother's wife has the same name and my husband's only aunt on his father's side has the same name. Quite a coincidence to have 3 in the same family in the first place. Hmm, could there only be 1 more in the U.S? (I'm not convinced.) I found the missing 4th, if that's the case...she does something with grave stones or something. I can't really remember. Come on, you've never googled your name to see what comes up? I guess the census needs some updating.
Oh, it also said more than 99.9% of people named Rebecca are female...isn't that a relief?
*Proud and honored to share your last name Man! I love you!!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Ok, you might already know some of these things...but then again, you might not. They're not really secrets, but they're probably not widely known. A look in the life of Becky. Now, where do I start?
I like to write, but this is about all the writing I do these days. I used to keep a journal, but I haven't done that in awhile. Maybe I should write more.
I've never had a cavity, I never had braces, I don't wear glasses/contacts, I've never broken a bone...sometimes, I felt left out as a kid...haha. Now, I am thankful.
I had never been on an airplane until my freshman year of college. We went to nationals for Cross Country in Wisconsin (well, we flew to Chicago and drove to Kenosha). Since then, I've been to more airports than I ever dreamed I would, including that short trip to Hawaii. I really think our round trip flight was longer than our stay.
My first car was a 1993 (right?) Dodge Shadow. I called her Bobbin' Robin. First, the shocks were completely shot, hence the "Bobbin'." (Kind of like the Grapes of Math car from Veggie Tales). The color was bright blue like a Robin's egg...thanks to Bethany, "Robin" was added. It was definitely a little embarrassing as far as the looks go (she kept me humble..haha), but to be honest it was sad to see her go. She frowned till the end too. (umm, after an accident, the front bumper was like an upside down v)
When I was little, I was allergic to misquitos. The allergy came back for a summer several years ago again but has disappeared since. The misquito bites would swell up bigger than bee sting swells and would often get infected really easily. I actually had to take meds when I was at Covenant Acres Camp. I also was the queen of nurse visits at camp. Not a moment went by that I didn't have a bug in my eye, mouth, ears, or nose. Right, Laura? The nurse had to flush one out of my ear...it was crazy! Another tidbit, my dad was on the committee to start Covenant Acres...kinda cool. We used to have a camper there. My older brothers would camp, and Pete and I would stay with Mom and Dad in the camper. That big rubber slide always smelled like goose poop, but it was worth it. Can I get an amen, all you Covenant Acres campers? Oh, a raccoon got into one of the tents one year, and they had to shoot it?? Apparently, a girls' clothes were all bloodied up by the incident, so she had to borrow clothes from girls. She wore a pair of my shorts. I'm sure that's incredibly interesting to you all.
My hair has always been it's natural color...though Chrissy and I tried to color the tips of our hair grey with Grandma's stuff...what was it called? Yes, Shimmering Lights, I think it was!! Oh, I guess I used that spray on hair color stuff that washes out for a cross country meet...so it was green. If I blow dry my hair, you need to stand 3 feet away from me, or you'll be caught in a big fro bush. (Matt, remember that car ride home with the window down? hahaha That's one I won't share). Oh, to have straight hair again...yes, it was pin straight and thin when I was a little girl. I must've eaten too many carrots....that's what my mom always said, carrots will make your hair curl (I tried to avoid them and "lucky" for me, it worked).
My brothers and I would always give my mom a hard time when she called us morons (spelling?). Ok, she would tell us to, "put more on." We would laugh and say, "Mom said, moron." She was always cold, so naturally, we "were" too. I think I finally inherited that gene..the cold one.
I was born on a Friday night around 8:03 in 1983...my brothers wanted to name me Daisy because of course, I was born during their favorite show The Dukes of Hazzard. Daisy ******...now there's nails on a chalkboard. Phew, missed that one. However, my favorite flowers are daisies!
I was the star in a cooking show called "Cooking Witb B", yes, "witb." If you've never seen it, you'll have to go to my parents'. My mom often runs marathon "Cooking Witb B" shows when new people come over, or when Hannah and Abby request it. That was one of the funniest times ever of my childhood, and they were mostly real bloopers.
I like surprises, good surprises, but I often figure them out beforehand...and usually not on purpose! It's a frustration of mine. FRustration, not fustration.
Our first dog, Lady, was killed by coyotes in our backyard. She had an accident in the house, so her punishment was to spend that night outside. This usually solved the problem for awhile because she liked to be with the family. My parents had no idea there were coyotes...I had a hard time warming up to the idea of another dog after that, but Caleb is the best!
I don't like dancing. I'm warming up to it...sort of, only because I'm married to Matt. He really likes to dance, but it just isn't my thing. My family didn't dance. I don't know that they're against it (my mom went to dances in high school)...it just didn't happen. So, school dances weren't a thrill for me, and I didn't go to any till my senior ball. I was convinced (by friends) that I missed a lot at my junior prom, so I caved when I was asked. It wasn't a good experience for me, so I never wanted to dance again until I met my husband...until marriage. I did have a dream though of dancing with God. Since I'm not such a girly girl in that regard it may sound a little odd or cheesey...but it was beautiful. It was like a wedding day, I was wearing white (no, I don't really know what He looked like), but I had no fear or shame or sense of ridiculousness. It was only us. It was kind of like being a child dancing with your father. I know I'm not doing a good job depicting this, but that's ok. You need to have your own dream anyway. It was very moving for me. I was able to experience a glimpse of how He sees me, how He loves me. I sometimes wonder how it's different for guys and girls...like in their love for God. I don't mean for girls it's a romantic love (this was not a worldly type of romantic love dream...let me make that clear), but I don't picture guys having a dream of dancing with God. I do think He shows special times of His love for us in different ways though. Men and women are just created so differently, yet compliment each other...I think that's so neat. So, the first time Matt and I danced together was at home after our wedding. Our first kiss was also the day of our wedding...despite a memorable, "Yeah Right!" from a member of the congregation.
When I was a kid, I was very talkative and didn't mind being the center of attention. I wasn't very shy either. This may be a shocker to most, but it's true. I had my share of needing my seat moved, both at school and Sunday School for talking. Yes, I could've even been seen at the principal's office. I laughed and loved to laugh, but sometimes, I said hurtful things to others or about others...that I sincerely regret. I had a "boyfriend" as early as 4th grade and was headed a bit down the fast lane. Thankfully, as I grew a little older, I realized I needed to be more wise with my words and actions. Sometime in middle school I quieted down and focused more on my relationship with God. I decided no more boyfriends till at least 17, but even then, it had to be someone who would possibly, ultimately, become my husband. I never told anyone this, just between me and God. 17 came and went, college came and almost went, till Matt came along. It was a tough wait at times, and sometimes I wondered if I would ever meet anybody, but I waited for God to send the one He had prepared. He was so worth it! Matt was the first "guy" I ever dated...was in a courting relationship with. I wouldn't change that for anything. He had to work a little for me, but I knew I only wanted a man who would pursue me, not me him. Matt had just the right handshake, looked me in the eye when he talked to me, stood respectfully, spoke with my parents...and he thought I had a boyfriend!...haha...because I was guarded. He told me much later that he walked away from meeting me saying under his breath, "Whoever he is (referring to my "boyfriend"), he's a lucky guy." 4 months later, long after finding out I was indeed single, he had the courage to call.
There are several things Matt owns that I am not particularly fond of, which have become a big joke in this household. First, his favorite pair of orange brown socks. I have no idea where he could've gotten them, unless they're about 40 years old. Second, these huge mink blankets. Third, a pair of white worn out puma shoes, especially when worn with white pants and a white shirt (worn his first Sunday home). I'm no fashion diva, but ohhhh boy. Fourth, "the suit." I thought he was crazy when he came home from the military (the first time) wearing this ugly, ugly shiny suit with faces all over it and a fur coat thing. He had his hair slicked back. Honestly, I was going over in my head how I was going to tell him I changed my mind about "us" after that. He looked like a pompous, rich, pimp? He really likes to see reactions out of people. He got one! Thankfully, he showed up in jeans, a t-shirt and dickies shirt for our first official date...So, another secret, sometimes I smell the Polo Sport cologne he has. I don't believe he has worn it since the day he came home in that suit, but when I smell it with him gone, it reminds me of him. My other favorite scent is his body wash...Dial Spring Rain or something...definitely a favorite of mine.
Matt and I have a special thing about acorns. I saved some from a park that backs up to his house because my family goes there every year...and I had no idea till those first few months we were "talking" that Matt lived so close to the park and liked it to. I almost sent them to him (out to Hawaii) and later learned it was a good thing I didn't because it's illegal to brings seeds from the mainland. So, I put them in a little treasure box for Matt as one of his Christmas presents that first year (he was home by then) with the verse from Isaiah 61: "They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor." I really like the verses about being strong in the Lord, being like trees by water or that bear fruit, and oaks are just so solid. As a wedding gift, I gave him "The Oak Inside the Acorn" by Max Lucado. I embroidered a pillowcase for Matt before he left and there's an acorn on it with that verse from Isaiah referenced. We hope to plant some of those acorns from the park...(we'll see if they grow) when we move into our first house.
105 days left until Matt's back in the states. Of course, that's an estimated countdown because I don't really know, but I need numbers!
Ok, that's probably more than enough for now.
*You make me smile and laugh Man! No, I haven't thrown away your socks! I love you!!
I like to write, but this is about all the writing I do these days. I used to keep a journal, but I haven't done that in awhile. Maybe I should write more.
I've never had a cavity, I never had braces, I don't wear glasses/contacts, I've never broken a bone...sometimes, I felt left out as a kid...haha. Now, I am thankful.
I had never been on an airplane until my freshman year of college. We went to nationals for Cross Country in Wisconsin (well, we flew to Chicago and drove to Kenosha). Since then, I've been to more airports than I ever dreamed I would, including that short trip to Hawaii. I really think our round trip flight was longer than our stay.
My first car was a 1993 (right?) Dodge Shadow. I called her Bobbin' Robin. First, the shocks were completely shot, hence the "Bobbin'." (Kind of like the Grapes of Math car from Veggie Tales). The color was bright blue like a Robin's egg...thanks to Bethany, "Robin" was added. It was definitely a little embarrassing as far as the looks go (she kept me humble..haha), but to be honest it was sad to see her go. She frowned till the end too. (umm, after an accident, the front bumper was like an upside down v)
When I was little, I was allergic to misquitos. The allergy came back for a summer several years ago again but has disappeared since. The misquito bites would swell up bigger than bee sting swells and would often get infected really easily. I actually had to take meds when I was at Covenant Acres Camp. I also was the queen of nurse visits at camp. Not a moment went by that I didn't have a bug in my eye, mouth, ears, or nose. Right, Laura? The nurse had to flush one out of my ear...it was crazy! Another tidbit, my dad was on the committee to start Covenant Acres...kinda cool. We used to have a camper there. My older brothers would camp, and Pete and I would stay with Mom and Dad in the camper. That big rubber slide always smelled like goose poop, but it was worth it. Can I get an amen, all you Covenant Acres campers? Oh, a raccoon got into one of the tents one year, and they had to shoot it?? Apparently, a girls' clothes were all bloodied up by the incident, so she had to borrow clothes from girls. She wore a pair of my shorts. I'm sure that's incredibly interesting to you all.
My hair has always been it's natural color...though Chrissy and I tried to color the tips of our hair grey with Grandma's stuff...what was it called? Yes, Shimmering Lights, I think it was!! Oh, I guess I used that spray on hair color stuff that washes out for a cross country meet...so it was green. If I blow dry my hair, you need to stand 3 feet away from me, or you'll be caught in a big fro bush. (Matt, remember that car ride home with the window down? hahaha That's one I won't share). Oh, to have straight hair again...yes, it was pin straight and thin when I was a little girl. I must've eaten too many carrots....that's what my mom always said, carrots will make your hair curl (I tried to avoid them and "lucky" for me, it worked).
My brothers and I would always give my mom a hard time when she called us morons (spelling?). Ok, she would tell us to, "put more on." We would laugh and say, "Mom said, moron." She was always cold, so naturally, we "were" too. I think I finally inherited that gene..the cold one.
I was born on a Friday night around 8:03 in 1983...my brothers wanted to name me Daisy because of course, I was born during their favorite show The Dukes of Hazzard. Daisy ******...now there's nails on a chalkboard. Phew, missed that one. However, my favorite flowers are daisies!
I was the star in a cooking show called "Cooking Witb B", yes, "witb." If you've never seen it, you'll have to go to my parents'. My mom often runs marathon "Cooking Witb B" shows when new people come over, or when Hannah and Abby request it. That was one of the funniest times ever of my childhood, and they were mostly real bloopers.
I like surprises, good surprises, but I often figure them out beforehand...and usually not on purpose! It's a frustration of mine. FRustration, not fustration.
Our first dog, Lady, was killed by coyotes in our backyard. She had an accident in the house, so her punishment was to spend that night outside. This usually solved the problem for awhile because she liked to be with the family. My parents had no idea there were coyotes...I had a hard time warming up to the idea of another dog after that, but Caleb is the best!
I don't like dancing. I'm warming up to it...sort of, only because I'm married to Matt. He really likes to dance, but it just isn't my thing. My family didn't dance. I don't know that they're against it (my mom went to dances in high school)...it just didn't happen. So, school dances weren't a thrill for me, and I didn't go to any till my senior ball. I was convinced (by friends) that I missed a lot at my junior prom, so I caved when I was asked. It wasn't a good experience for me, so I never wanted to dance again until I met my husband...until marriage. I did have a dream though of dancing with God. Since I'm not such a girly girl in that regard it may sound a little odd or cheesey...but it was beautiful. It was like a wedding day, I was wearing white (no, I don't really know what He looked like), but I had no fear or shame or sense of ridiculousness. It was only us. It was kind of like being a child dancing with your father. I know I'm not doing a good job depicting this, but that's ok. You need to have your own dream anyway. It was very moving for me. I was able to experience a glimpse of how He sees me, how He loves me. I sometimes wonder how it's different for guys and girls...like in their love for God. I don't mean for girls it's a romantic love (this was not a worldly type of romantic love dream...let me make that clear), but I don't picture guys having a dream of dancing with God. I do think He shows special times of His love for us in different ways though. Men and women are just created so differently, yet compliment each other...I think that's so neat. So, the first time Matt and I danced together was at home after our wedding. Our first kiss was also the day of our wedding...despite a memorable, "Yeah Right!" from a member of the congregation.
When I was a kid, I was very talkative and didn't mind being the center of attention. I wasn't very shy either. This may be a shocker to most, but it's true. I had my share of needing my seat moved, both at school and Sunday School for talking. Yes, I could've even been seen at the principal's office. I laughed and loved to laugh, but sometimes, I said hurtful things to others or about others...that I sincerely regret. I had a "boyfriend" as early as 4th grade and was headed a bit down the fast lane. Thankfully, as I grew a little older, I realized I needed to be more wise with my words and actions. Sometime in middle school I quieted down and focused more on my relationship with God. I decided no more boyfriends till at least 17, but even then, it had to be someone who would possibly, ultimately, become my husband. I never told anyone this, just between me and God. 17 came and went, college came and almost went, till Matt came along. It was a tough wait at times, and sometimes I wondered if I would ever meet anybody, but I waited for God to send the one He had prepared. He was so worth it! Matt was the first "guy" I ever dated...was in a courting relationship with. I wouldn't change that for anything. He had to work a little for me, but I knew I only wanted a man who would pursue me, not me him. Matt had just the right handshake, looked me in the eye when he talked to me, stood respectfully, spoke with my parents...and he thought I had a boyfriend!...haha...because I was guarded. He told me much later that he walked away from meeting me saying under his breath, "Whoever he is (referring to my "boyfriend"), he's a lucky guy." 4 months later, long after finding out I was indeed single, he had the courage to call.
There are several things Matt owns that I am not particularly fond of, which have become a big joke in this household. First, his favorite pair of orange brown socks. I have no idea where he could've gotten them, unless they're about 40 years old. Second, these huge mink blankets. Third, a pair of white worn out puma shoes, especially when worn with white pants and a white shirt (worn his first Sunday home). I'm no fashion diva, but ohhhh boy. Fourth, "the suit." I thought he was crazy when he came home from the military (the first time) wearing this ugly, ugly shiny suit with faces all over it and a fur coat thing. He had his hair slicked back. Honestly, I was going over in my head how I was going to tell him I changed my mind about "us" after that. He looked like a pompous, rich, pimp? He really likes to see reactions out of people. He got one! Thankfully, he showed up in jeans, a t-shirt and dickies shirt for our first official date...So, another secret, sometimes I smell the Polo Sport cologne he has. I don't believe he has worn it since the day he came home in that suit, but when I smell it with him gone, it reminds me of him. My other favorite scent is his body wash...Dial Spring Rain or something...definitely a favorite of mine.
Matt and I have a special thing about acorns. I saved some from a park that backs up to his house because my family goes there every year...and I had no idea till those first few months we were "talking" that Matt lived so close to the park and liked it to. I almost sent them to him (out to Hawaii) and later learned it was a good thing I didn't because it's illegal to brings seeds from the mainland. So, I put them in a little treasure box for Matt as one of his Christmas presents that first year (he was home by then) with the verse from Isaiah 61: "They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor." I really like the verses about being strong in the Lord, being like trees by water or that bear fruit, and oaks are just so solid. As a wedding gift, I gave him "The Oak Inside the Acorn" by Max Lucado. I embroidered a pillowcase for Matt before he left and there's an acorn on it with that verse from Isaiah referenced. We hope to plant some of those acorns from the park...(we'll see if they grow) when we move into our first house.
105 days left until Matt's back in the states. Of course, that's an estimated countdown because I don't really know, but I need numbers!
Ok, that's probably more than enough for now.
*You make me smile and laugh Man! No, I haven't thrown away your socks! I love you!!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
as requested
As I gear up to share some interesting, or not so interesting, tidbits about myself, I will share some words, or phrases or sayings that "irk" me. Hmm, this may be a short one that needs to be added to later.
Well, I already shared, "Home again, home again, jiggity jig." I wonder where that started. I have a feeling it is a pretty old saying. I guess some people have never heard it though...so, I decided to see what happens when I "yahoo" it. First, LOTS of blogs come up (or specific posts), entitled (entitled, not entailed...:) just that. Umm, a homosexual game site came up. That's something that bugs me. When just looking up where a phrase originates, all sorts of terribly inappropriate websites come up. I actually have to tell my doctor about one. She recommended a product for me and said I could just do a search for it, and that it would be there. Not good things came up, so I need to let her know. So those things irk me, but more than irk me. I find it especially annoying since I'm not looking for that stuff, I'm looking for often quite the opposite, but in the process those come up. Anyway, I wasn't able to find an origin. Somebody must've just said it one day and all is history.
There's another one my mom used to say, let's see. I'll remember it sometime.
"There's a millipede or there are a lot of millipedes!" Ok, not what you're looking for, but honestly, I can't stand finding millipedes in our apartment. Also in our house, "Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!"...for real!
One I teased Matt about for awhile was when he said, "We'll keep you in prayers." First of all, I thought it was really cute, but I said, umm, you mean, "We'll keep you in our prayers, or we'll keep you in prayer." Sometimes, the English concentration part of me comes out, but yes, on my blog, sometimes I slip up. I don't edit much here.
I really don't like to call a class "friends." I don't mind saying something like, "One of your friends" referring to a classmate of another student. However, calling the entire class "friends" just sounds cheesy to me. I prefer boys and girls or class, or in my case since I sub, I can say Mrs. so and so's class.
Sidenote: I really like the Amelia Bedelia books, ever since I was little. I think they are just so funny. Apparently the most common sources of idioms are from Shakespeare and the Bible...neat tidbit.
This weekend I was asked for a picture of Matt for his brother's wedding, so a life-size cardboard cut out could be made of him since he can't be there. I don't remember the exact words, but that irked me and hurt me.
Something I learned, when people say, "mind your p's and q's" it came from old English pubs. Apparently, ale was ordered in pints and quarts, so when customers got "unruly," the bartender would say that (mind your pints and quarts...p's and q's). (http://www.panix.com/~acohen/expr.html) So I don't think that's one I would use with my kids, not that I like it anyway. "Mom what are p's and q's?"
"Don't ya know?" is sort of a joke in our family. We say it like an older woman from times past I guess. It's not my favorite, one of those nails on the chalkboard type things for me, but I do laugh almost every time.
Another one is related to the word "at." It doesn't need to be placed at the end of something already stating a ...location I guess. I don't know the lingo. (I don't like the word lingo either...haha). "Where are you at?" At is not necessary. "Where are you?" does the job. Now, I say it sometimes too because I'm around it quite a bit...oh well.
Hmm, April fools!! That's also not a favorite, but I felt the need to say it today.
How about I end with a silly one? When I was little, during Christmas time we would sing, The Drummer Boy or The Little Drummer Boy. I guess I never really saw the words of the song, or I was so little I couldn't read...but this went on for years. I always thought one part of a verse of the song was in another language. "The ox and ram kept time..." I never heard it annunciated in those words, and it was always really choppy...I thought it was something in like Chinese. So, no, this doesn't really irk me. It's pure childhood confusion or misunderstanding. I remember that one year that I learned the truth. I saw it on an overhead while we were singing at church. I just could not stop laughing!! I think about that every Christmas and every time that song is sung or played!
*Love you!! 29 weeks left!!
Well, I already shared, "Home again, home again, jiggity jig." I wonder where that started. I have a feeling it is a pretty old saying. I guess some people have never heard it though...so, I decided to see what happens when I "yahoo" it. First, LOTS of blogs come up (or specific posts), entitled (entitled, not entailed...:) just that. Umm, a homosexual game site came up. That's something that bugs me. When just looking up where a phrase originates, all sorts of terribly inappropriate websites come up. I actually have to tell my doctor about one. She recommended a product for me and said I could just do a search for it, and that it would be there. Not good things came up, so I need to let her know. So those things irk me, but more than irk me. I find it especially annoying since I'm not looking for that stuff, I'm looking for often quite the opposite, but in the process those come up. Anyway, I wasn't able to find an origin. Somebody must've just said it one day and all is history.
There's another one my mom used to say, let's see. I'll remember it sometime.
"There's a millipede or there are a lot of millipedes!" Ok, not what you're looking for, but honestly, I can't stand finding millipedes in our apartment. Also in our house, "Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!"...for real!
One I teased Matt about for awhile was when he said, "We'll keep you in prayers." First of all, I thought it was really cute, but I said, umm, you mean, "We'll keep you in our prayers, or we'll keep you in prayer." Sometimes, the English concentration part of me comes out, but yes, on my blog, sometimes I slip up. I don't edit much here.
I really don't like to call a class "friends." I don't mind saying something like, "One of your friends" referring to a classmate of another student. However, calling the entire class "friends" just sounds cheesy to me. I prefer boys and girls or class, or in my case since I sub, I can say Mrs. so and so's class.
Sidenote: I really like the Amelia Bedelia books, ever since I was little. I think they are just so funny. Apparently the most common sources of idioms are from Shakespeare and the Bible...neat tidbit.
This weekend I was asked for a picture of Matt for his brother's wedding, so a life-size cardboard cut out could be made of him since he can't be there. I don't remember the exact words, but that irked me and hurt me.
Something I learned, when people say, "mind your p's and q's" it came from old English pubs. Apparently, ale was ordered in pints and quarts, so when customers got "unruly," the bartender would say that (mind your pints and quarts...p's and q's). (http://www.panix.com/~acohen/expr.html) So I don't think that's one I would use with my kids, not that I like it anyway. "Mom what are p's and q's?"
"Don't ya know?" is sort of a joke in our family. We say it like an older woman from times past I guess. It's not my favorite, one of those nails on the chalkboard type things for me, but I do laugh almost every time.
Another one is related to the word "at." It doesn't need to be placed at the end of something already stating a ...location I guess. I don't know the lingo. (I don't like the word lingo either...haha). "Where are you at?" At is not necessary. "Where are you?" does the job. Now, I say it sometimes too because I'm around it quite a bit...oh well.
Hmm, April fools!! That's also not a favorite, but I felt the need to say it today.
How about I end with a silly one? When I was little, during Christmas time we would sing, The Drummer Boy or The Little Drummer Boy. I guess I never really saw the words of the song, or I was so little I couldn't read...but this went on for years. I always thought one part of a verse of the song was in another language. "The ox and ram kept time..." I never heard it annunciated in those words, and it was always really choppy...I thought it was something in like Chinese. So, no, this doesn't really irk me. It's pure childhood confusion or misunderstanding. I remember that one year that I learned the truth. I saw it on an overhead while we were singing at church. I just could not stop laughing!! I think about that every Christmas and every time that song is sung or played!
*Love you!! 29 weeks left!!
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