Thursday was so. much. fun. I wish Matt only worked half days every day! He got here a little before noon and was welcomed home to an ecstatic Becky who, of course, had to run to the bathroom. Upon entering, I let out a bit of a yelp, seeing some sort of big bug, I thought a spider, just hanging out on our toilet seat. Matt came to the rescue because surely, I would not want to share the seat! I noticed the carpet in the hallway was a bit wet, so I looked down at Matt's feet to see if he still had his boots on. Nope, he didn't (must've been the snow off his pant-leg), but this pregnant lady burst into hysterical laughter at the site she saw upon her husband's feet. I couldn't contain it, and Matt had no idea what was so funny. I tried to let him in on the situation, but roars of laughter just came out as I took another breath. Matt was wearing a pair of my, women's, socks!! He has a few pairs he got for Christmas from relatives that are not your plain white socks (none of which are cream and white speckled though), and he forgets which ones are his. He told me they felt a little snug (ha! His size 11 feet crammed into my size 8 socks), but he must've been in a hurry. In his defense, he does leave wayyy too early in the morning for work. Maybe he was still half asleep when he put them on. I was able to sneak my camera out just before my battery died and take a few poor pictures of his cute feet stretching my socks to their limit...hmm, sort of the way my belly feels at the moment.
We lazed around a bit, Matt changed his socks, we had some tuna sandwiches for lunch, and then I started downing my water for the ultrasound. On our way to the doctor's, we had the radio on. I don't know how many of you are familiar with Keith Urban, but his song, "You look good in my shirt" was on (not the most high standing song). Once again, I could not control my laughter. As tears rolled down my cheeks, I belted the chorus...."Maybe it's a little too early to know if this is gonna work. All I know is you're sure looking....good in my socks!!" Ok, you had to be there, and maybe it is not so funny to you all, but boy, the timing just seemed to be perfect. Matt humored me and laughed along too.
As we watched our little one on the monitor, I could not get the verse out of my head, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:14. Our baby is just getting cuter and cuter and more developed by the day. From the first glimpse, I could tell he/she had more skin and is looking more like he/she will on the day of it's arrival. Our technician was so much fun. She told us the heart and spine were "just beautiful" (a huge relief for me, knowing this was specifically to check on our baby's heart). She also told us how photogenic our baby already was (hmm, maybe she says that to everyone, but she was very enthusiastic), and she certainly got a kick out of our baby's big, big toe and the clear shot of it's cute little ear. Yes, it appears the baby has gotten an ear from me with a little notch in it.

Right around the corner from the doctor's was Babies R Us, so we stopped in and registered! We just had a great time. We had to share the gun though because everyone knows that is one of, if not the, best part/s...I mean, besides all the cute baby things! After this long afternoon, we finished off the day with dinner at Boston Market. Mmmm, strangely enough, what I love most there is the macaroni and cheese (oh, and their chicken too).