We made our elephant letter E.
We also read, "Eyes, Nose, Fingers, and Toes: A First Book All About You" by Judy Hindley. I don't always like the books found at the library...another post right there...but this one was really cute. To fit with our E theme, we reinforced the eyes, ears, and elbows. :) After reading the book, Stevie helped color and add eyes to this boy and girl. Googley eyes are so much fun! Again, look past the awesome artistry. (Now that we have a working computer again, I can print out pictures instead of having to draw them. You're welcome.) I'm not sure why the boy has black eyes, haha.
Later in the week, we read "Elephant in the Bathtub" by Kristina Andres. It's a silly book about an elephant taking a bath and there was still more room in the tub....so all of these other animals and bath toys join him.
So, we made an elephant (and a whale...Stevie wanted to include that...he liked the whale in the tub in the book) in a bathtub for our activity. Please ignore the sketchy bathtub, haha...and some of the whale was attacked by little sister. Oops.
Sprinkle Activities:
*We played Elefun, a $3 find at a garage sale last summer.
*We ate eggs.
*We used Mr. Potato Head to put his eyes, ears, and elbow (arm) on...with some other parts. :)
*We didn't get to an egg hunt, but that's a good one!
*Play in elbow macaroni! I didn't have any on hand, but you can hide Mr. Potato Head parts or puzzle pieces in a bowl of macaroni...or just play, scooping and dumping.
Here's an extra: Stevie working on his verse with me one day. This is such a huge thing!! He is super shy of the camera and just repeating our words was once a huge difficulty with his apraxia. I couldn't believe we got a whole verse repeated recorded! One year ago, he only had 15 consistent words and overall, was in such a difficult place. I longed and longed to work on verses with him...and once in awhile, we would, mostly I sang the songs of verses, but we really couldn't do much when we needed to get basic words down. It's still a stretch for his understanding and verbal vocabulary, but we are making it a good habit and rooting God's Word in our hearts..."it will not return void." (Isaiah 55:11) So, here we are. We've come so far by the grace of God, so of course it's fitting that while these incredible developments are happening in our boy, we give thanks to the One who is doing this work in him (and us)!