Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Making a House a Home

So, we're in the process of looking for a house. I mentioned a couple of posts ago that we have no idea when the looking will become owning. It's definitely a bit of a roller coaster...looking at houses, trying to have a creative eye (this will be what we call a "starter" home), and becoming attached enough to want but not attached enough to be bummed when an offer gets accepted before we send ours in. Easier said then done, I think.

So, I probably won't blog about this endeavor much (I know, I said that in the other post...and here I am), but I've been thinking about the whole "making a house a home" idea. I am trying to really focus on being thankful. I really am content if we are to stay we are for awhile. I'm not sure how many kids we can squeeze into a 2 bedroom place, but I have been praying for a thankful heart and creativity and wisdom for what we have. It really is a nice place, and right now, we fit just fine. We really don't have many complaints. We just would like a place to call our own with a little more space to...grow*.

So, in this process, I've been trying to dig out the stuff not used in awhile to donate or chuck. That has been fun, but boy, I feel like we have so far to go. I look at our place and think, "I don't want to move that." A lot of our belongings come in the form of baby things (and paintball stuff, ahem...I love you, Matt), which are difficult to get rid of since we'd like to use them again someday. Then there are the clothes. My oh my. I am not a crazy shopper girl, but I feel like I have so many clothes. I still have some things from high school (umm, since I'm not a crazy shopper girl). I have my regular clothes...for the different seasons. Then I have my maternity clothes. Those clothes are a variety of sizes because well, you grow. I just got bigger and bigger... Then there are the post-baby clothes. Maybe I'm the only one who still wore some maternity stuff after and some big clothes because the shrinking process takes awhile. My maternity sweatpants were staples I tell ya! Of course, I couldn't wear jeans (maternity or not) for 4 months after that miraculous day. Next time, I'm voting for a better recovery. Anyway...all that adds up. Stuff, stuff, stuff. But, I'm an emotional saver. This has been a fun process, as I mentioned, because I'm pushing the "aww, I remember when" out of my head as I toss. I feel better. There will be things that will remain in our home forever, but most of them, I'm realizing, can hit the road.

I have my little daily schedules Stevie and I do, and cleaning has become more joyful lately. I will be the first to admit, my home will probably never fall under the "I can eat off your floor" ranks (though Stevie doesn't mind), but I'd like it to be welcoming. I'm definitely the type of gal who would rather be spending those moments with my boy than worrying about the dust settling. I'm finding my own little system for trying to be organized. Well, you know, as I can with an almost 9 month old boy who likes to leave his trail (or, tornado, of toys and household items) behind him. " ...Boys are God's way of telling you that your house is too neat" (Author Unknown). Ok, or something like that.

Anyway, what I'd like to get out, is I'm really noticing an answer to my prayer. While looking at some homes, there are sometimes rooms that I love...and other rooms that need a bit of work. Instead of me thinking, "ohhh that's not very desirable," I'm thinking, "hmm, I wonder if we could do this!" and I'm getting excited about it. It's been awhile since I've undertaken creative projects. Just ask my scrapbooking box. So, thinking of a future house...and being presented with a "work in progress home," has been somewhat thrilling for me. Others may not see how wonderful this room is, but I am starting to see how wonderful it can be! That is how I want to view our present apartment, our future home, and our family. That's not to say I am not thankful for how we currently are, but I want to continue to grow. I've been praying for thankfulness, wisdom, and creativity to use what we have been given. I am content here. I am even happy here in this place we are living, but it can be better. I'm not trying to say I'm striving for perfection. That's not it. I want our house (wherever we're living, house/apartment) to reflect a home. I want our "unit" to reflect a family, a covenant, a growth together and in Him.

So yes, the cleaning must be done, and maybe I'll learn that more cleaning must be done, haha, but there is so much more to our home than the clean or dirty floor, the walls, the furniture, the big yard, or the small yard. I have been called to be a daughter of the King, a wife to my husband and a mother to my son. Matt often says, "We don't live the high life," but I respond, "I think we do!" We have been so blessed. I often visit Dumptrucksandteacups. She has such a beautiful blog about her family life. She used this quote in a post a "long" time ago, and I just beautiful.
"If our homes are filled with beauty and the shadow of God’s creativity, our children will not only hear the messages of our devotions and prayers, and school books, but they will breathe in the atmosphere of color, great tastes and smells, dancing music, great stories, loving hand rubs or back tickles and they will expand in their souls to understand that our God, the original artist and designer, is indeed worthy or our love and adoration–because they will know that He is the author of all things great and alive with His pleasure and blessing." - Sally Clarkson

I think that sums up making a house a home. I desire it. Lord, help me make, wherever we live, an apartment or a house, a joyful, thankful home filled with Your love. Amen.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Oh, what a beautiful post! Thanks for leaving the sweet comment on my blog... it's been so fun to come visit you. :)