Thursday, February 3, 2011

You are my Sunshine

I was a bit of an emotional mess tonight. Matt and I have been helping to answer a young couple's questions and sharing our story with them to help them on their own journey. I was listening to some marriage and relationship advice from my favorite authors on youtube, and that led to wedding songs...and that led to father/daughter songs...and that led to mother/son songs. Oh. dear.

Little Stevie was sitting with me, and I could not hold back the tears at one particular choice. I was thinking about my little boy all grown into this handsome, amazing man of God on his wedding day...and how it's already going so fast. I didn't say I wasn't going overboard! So, then I heard the song...and I lost it. "You are my Sunshine" was a song chosen (with a cute story behind it) for one grown boy and his mom. After "Jesus Loves Me," that was the first song I sang to Stevie in the hospital. It was a memory I want to hold forever. It often helped to calm him when I sang it. I still sing him the song and often replace "Sunshine" with Stevie or Stephen. Obviously, it's a well known song and people sing it all the time to their kids, but it's just a special one for us.

So, here I was, in a puddle of tears thinking I will probably lose it anyway on your wedding day, Stephen, but if you include this song somehow, get the idea. Waterproof mascara will be a must. I know I will remember you fondly as this little boy I have in my arms today, and I want to hold onto you while I can. I can't wait to meet the man you'll become, but I treasure each day you are my little boy. You are my crowned and shining gift from God, and you really do bring sunshine to my every day. I love you more than you can know!

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