Wednesday, December 10, 2008

On my Way to the Doctor's...

I reached the four month mark and am on my way to my doctor. I can't help but think of this clip as I give up trying to squeeze into pre-pregnancy clothes and go to get weighed again! I know I have a long way to go, but this just makes me roll thinking of my own expansion and weight gain, and afterall, it is the Christmas season. I hope you don't find this inappropriate. Sometimes, I have a weird sense of humor. Laugh with me, won't you?

Even though it is taking some adjustment (ahem, already...sometimes I forget, right Megan?), I am overjoyed by the life growing inside me who is almost 5 inches now!(...and overjoyed that my beard isn't growing as fast as Tim's.) I am just in awe knowing the Lord is shaping, molding, and creating our little baby moment by moment. We're praying our boy or girl grows up to be an older boy and man, or an older girl and woman who seeks after the Lord's heart and becomes the person He made him/her to be. This is going to be a very special Christmas for sure.

I'm just dying of curiousity as to whether this baby is a little boy or girl, but so far, Matt is we are sticking to keeping it a surprise until the big day. (Well, we have 2 more weeks till we really need to make that decision. My ultrasound is scheduled for Christmas Eve!) To help my antsy-ness, I've been taking some polls to see what other people's guesses are. So, from now until we know for sure, please share with me your hunch, boy or girl?


Mom of 2 Cuties said...

Hey Becky,

I found your blog. Congratulations on being pregnant!!! That is really exciting!

I'll keep stopping by to read. :)


Matt and Megan said...

I'm laughing with you!

I'm not sure I can put in my guess yet...I'm just not sure.