Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Proposal

Matt proposed to me 4 years ago today. Unfortunately, it wasn't a big surprise for me. It's my own fault that I often ruin his surprises. Apparently, I have a hefty intuition, or something. He was supposed to meet me at a certain time that day to take me out. I think the place or thing we were doing was supposed to be a surprise...clue 1. We had been talking about engagement for awhile at this point. (Yes, we met in May 05 when he was on leave, started talking in September 05 long distance, he came home from the military the 1st time in December 05, and we were engaged by May 06...married December 06.) I told him I had a surprise for him too.

Well, he was late coming to pick me up, and I remember him being really late (though, who knows how late he really was). I remember debating whether to call him or not. He said he had some errands to run in the morning...clue 2, how many errands does a guy have? After "awhile," I decided to call. He said he was hung up at the mall, he'd be there as soon as he could. Clue 3, he doesn't "mall" shop. Clue #4, we had gotten my finger sized at the mall a month or 2 earlier because I don't wear jewelry and had NO idea what size my finger was. I was also able to look through the inventory, haha. (Matt purchased the ring a few days before the proposal and needed it resized. That was the hang up at the mall. Apparently my fingers are small. I needed a size 4 and the ring they had was a 7 or something, but we decided on 4 1/4 because I was worried if my hands swelled, like in pregnancy or whatever, they would get stuck. Yes, this girl thinks like that.)

So, when he finally arrived, we went to the surprise I had for him first. Matt likes cars and well, stereotypically all things boy, so I had wanted to take him to this go-cart racing place. It ended up being a little silly because we were the only ones there. So, he drove around while I took a few pictures. Then he took me to a park we frequently went to for picnics, walks, and runs. Clue 5: He brought his coat up with him. Matt hardly ever wears a coat and to just "bring it" in his hand was weird.

Prior to our engagement, we had a discussion about the proposal, and Matt had asked me if there was anything I wanted. One thing I said was I didn't want a bunch of people around....mostly because I could picture him doing it like in the middle of church or something. Well, he took that very literally. He took me to a picnic table along the water (umm, we didn't have anything to eat with us, so Clue 6), and we sat down...and he put his arm around my shoulders and dug and dug and dug into my shoulder. Deep tissue massage people. I tried to pretend like I didn't notice him looking over my shoulder every 2 seconds to check the status of "people present." I honestly have no idea how long we sat there, awkwardly. My man waited until there wasn't a person in sight for miles. Finally, I don't remember exactly what he said (I think it was, "I have something for you." He pulled out the box for me to open, and then, "Will you marry me?"), but it was fast and short. (Later, he mentioned he had this whole thing he wanted to tell me, but forgot it all in the moment, haha.) I said "Yes," and then I think that's when he told me he loved me. I could have it reversed. Like I said, it was fast, haha. We waited until our proposal/engagement to say we loved each other. Then he put the ring on my finger.

I think the only other thing I had mentioned in our "engagement discussion" was that I thought it would be really neat if we then washed each other's feet (for a life of service...and remember that dream?), and I gave him this special blue washcloth someone had embroidered for me in college with my name on it for whenever he chose the special event. Beyond those things, I wanted everything else up to him.

You know where this is headed right? Well, Matt remembered the ring, and the "no on-lookers rule" (yes, he got that one to a T, way above and beyond what I meant), and the washcloth. That's it. So, after the proposal, he pulled out the washcloth (yes, his coat pocket was huge with a ring box and squished up washcloth. Clue whatever number we were on) Ok, so it doesn't get any better than this: We had no soap, and no water, just the washcloth. So...we went down to the nasty canal water, dipped our feet in...laughing hysterically that we were "washing" each other's feet in this way...and over the fact that I was practically falling in because there is no good "entrance" to the canal water from the path. The water level was quite low at the time. Oh man, and did we ever stink!? Then, we had nothing to "dry" our lovely smelling feet with. Thankfully, I was wearing flip flops at the time which made it easy for me. Matt on the other hand, just threw his socks back on his wet feet and tied up his shoes. Yuck!

After all this, our stinky selves went to Lugia's (our favorite ice cream place where they have huge servings...the man knows my heart). Then we went back to my parents' house to announce our news. But of course, they already knew.

At the beginning of our relationship in December...once Matt had my "ok" that yes, I was really interested, etc., Matt asked my Dad to court me. My Dad was prepared for this discussion. He was sitting in the rocker in the kitchen, cleaning his gun! True story, folks. The next time Matt "talked" with my Dad (of course they talked a lot throughout our relationship, but you know what I mean), was to ask his permission to marry me. My parents live on a little farm, and my Dad had been out doing some work outside, so he was wearing shorts and farm boots. A little different ambience than the last discussion...So, from what I know, my Dad gave his permission and blessing.

Anyway, shortly after our engagement (or maybe it was after we started courting, either way), this Rodney Atkins song came out. Maybe I'll call in to the radio station today! It was written about us. Ok, it wasn't really written about us...but is seriously our story! Then, this song played the day Matt left when he was recalled to the Marines. It also played on my way to pick him up from the airport. It's a special one for us. Just in case you haven't heard it, well, here it is:

Yes, Matt, I would say "Yes" again! I'm so glad I did!

1 comment:

Matt and Megan said...

I always think of you two whenever I hear that song!