Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ok, They're Ordered!

Thank you for the super replies, Andrea, Nicole, and Quirky Momma. I really appreciated the time you spent and the explanations given!

Here's where I'm starting if anyone is interested. I purchased a smorgasbord of items. One thing I'm happy to know is that if this doesn't work out for us, cloth diaper items seem to have pretty decent resale value. So, I created my own "starter pack."

I placed an order for the following items:

*6 Premium Indian prefolds (I liked that I heard they're softer and only require half as many pre-washes. Only 6 to start small and see how they go. They can always be burp cloths because that's what we use our cheapy Gerber ones for. And yes, Stevie still spits up sometimes.)

*2 Snappis for the prefolds. Maybe I'll just end up folding the prefolds though, so who knows? I have the option though.

*1 Econobum cover and prefold pack (Hey, we need a white option, and it's cheap, and will give us another prefold and the cover. :) )

*bumGenius Stay dry liners pack of 6 or whatever (to try out with prefolds to help pull that moisture away)

*Bummis fleece liners pack of 5 or whatever (again to try out and compare 2 kinds...both were fairly reasonable. I decided to start with the "real stuff" rather than making my own...just till I get the hang of all this and really want to put energy in)

*bumGenius diaper detergent. I ended up going with their brand. Matt thought that'd be a good idea in case I want to return...I won't have done anything not recommended by them. Once I'm an expert, umm, yeah, then I can venture out to different kinds. For now, kisses all around...keeping it simple stupid. :) Also, we've been cutting down on the detergent use for our regular clothes...so hopefully, we won't deal with that build up. I'll forget about fabric softener sheets and look into wool balls. You know, Andrea, I think I've seen them at our Good Will (they sell new things as well as used)!

With all of this, I spent just enough to get a free package of Flip disposable inserts (so we can even throw some away while we're experimenting)! Horray!

Then I went to another site to get my Flips because I had a coupon for $10 off diapers...and then another $15 rebate. Here's how that went. Well, I went to order. They wouldn't take my coupon code. I called. They said, "it only works for diapers, formula, and wipes." "Umm, yeah. I'm ordering diapers." "Let me check on that. Well, it doesn't work for those, just disposable." "Well things need to be changed if that's the case because I'm not very happy right now. The code did not say it worked only for disposable diapers." I sent an email saying I was taking my business elsewhere. They sent me my email back with no reply. Nice. Soo...

I went back to previously ordered from website and placed my order for the Flip day pack, and I was excited! I got to choose what colors I wanted (that's a new feature)! So, I got one in the dark blue (moonbeam) and one in the light blue (twilight...I might have these reversed, I don't know). Branching out, I know (but I figured I'll keep the colors similiar for washing purposes. Do you all wash covers separately if they are totally different colors?). And I got one of those socks just to try out ...thinking of using with the prefolds and inserts to pull that moisture away. Since I got the sock, once again, I got another package of 18 disposie inserts free!! Horray! All shipping was free (because I chose the slow method) and tax was already included.

I spent a little more than I planned to (because of that annoying discount I didn't get, so about $100 if you're wondering, yikes that sounds like a lot), but I should be getting a good amount of things to get me started (3 covers, 7 prefolds, 6 inserts, 11 liners, detergent, 2 snappis, a sock, and 36 disposable inserts that were thrown in for free). We'll see how these do.

I chose the flip because the covers can theoretically be reused through the day (until they get too messy or wet goes to the outside). The insides can just be wiped down and you just throw another insert in! (I believe the same goes for the Econobum. Whereas with pocket diapers, the cover is lined with material...once wet or poopy..needs to be washed with their inserts.) Both covers are one size, so theoretically these should fit my little man till potty training and whenever we have a new little baby in the family. Inserts, prefolds, and separate covers are a whole lot less to wash and dry than All in One diapers. I'll hang dry the covers and inserts and prefolds should not take that long in the dryer. Both covers have snaps, so once again theoretically, they should last longer and Stevie will have a harder time pulling them off. (He's started yanking at his diapers)


Mel said...

Stopping by from MckMama's forum. Love the name (and meaning) behind your blog.


Nicole said...

Awesome start! I hope something in there works out good for you! I know some people LOVE the Flips. I've heard a lot of good things about them. I hope the prefolds work for you too. Not sure how big the ones you ordered were but sometimes they have to be folded down and that tends to cause a lot of bulk. That's the main reason why I like the green mountain dipes. They are perfect sized so there is no bulk and they are the perfect width to snappi. I bought some premium prefolds from Cotton Babies when my daughter was 2 and I couldn't snappi them on her because they weren't wide enough. They did really well trifolded though. I really like the socks too. You can put microfiber inserts or prefolds in there and lay them right in the cover. I did that for night-time a few times successfully with no leaks and she felt dry to the touch! Worth the money to me!

I also love the thirsties Duo Wraps and regular thirsties covers.

For really cheap pocket diapers there is a brand sold on eBay that is only $45 for 10 one-size pocket diapers. That's including microfiber inserts and shipping costs. I found out about them from some mom's on a cloth diapering board I belong to. They have a ton of great reviews and 100% feedback on eBay. If you are interested in them you can search them on eBay, they are called Sunbaby diapers. Won't work for everyone but a lot cheaper than BumGenius or Fuzzibunz pocket dipes! I'll be ordering some soon for our LO due this fall.

Okay, so I know you didn't ask for all that. Sorry! I got a little carried away....:)