It feels like Christmas around here...or maybe it feels like Easter! :)
Our California photo book arrived yesterday! I was so excited. I think it turned out really well, and I am super pleased. I'm still waiting on our wedding album photo book to come...nervously waiting. I hope I'm just as pleased. We're also still waiting for the shirts we ordered.
Today, I did some Walmart grocery shopping. I needed some stuff to make cupcakes for tomorrow, and I wanted to get a bunch of goodies to send Matt and his guys. I still need to go look for a new microwave (yup, ours bit the dust over a cup of hot chocolate), but that will be next time. I just finished the cupcakes and packing his box. It looks like I'll have to wait and mail it on Monday. I'm too late for today. After I made the cupcakes and packed the box, I realized I didn't get much in the line of groceries for around here, but that's ok. I had sooo much fun filling his box!! (except for the fact I got a hunk of a papercut, or cardboard box cut, from wrestling with a Rice Krispies Treats box...I'm going to need to change that bandaid soon. I just get hyper and sometimes make "hasty decisions," right Matt?) Anyway, I love making things that make my Man smile. There are a few goofy things in there, but I won't share yet because I don't want to spoil the surprise. Maybe I can get him to send pictures of it! Yes, my husband reads my blogs when he can. I just may be one in a million!
Even though today has been a good day for the most part, I have been a little down. It's one of those days I just get hit with heart ache for missing him. It didn't help that his internet was down yesterday and today (at least that is probably the case, I haven't heard yet), so we weren't able to talk when we were supposed to. That leaves me missing him like crazy even though we did talk earlier that morning. (Please don't roll your eyes or tell me, "o stop it!" about this because it may cause me to roll up my sleeves....I mean, I am thankful when we are able to talk quite a bit because I know that is a gift in and of itself, but it really still isn't the same as having him around. Oh, to be hugged and held again again. Sometimes it's kinda tough for me to see couples together...but we're getting there. This week has been a little extra "soft" for me after having an awful dream about Matt at war. I won't go into detail, but it was scary and too real, and basically all I could do was stand there and watch.) Anyway, that morning while we talked, we played checkers, go fish, BINGO, and air hockey together online. It was so much fun and gave us something else to do "together." The highlight was definitely winning yahoo BINGO during the same game (we think we had the same board)! I even dragged my laptop to the bathroom with me during BINGO...more than you wanted to know I'm sure...don't worry, I washed my hands. It was so great, and I believe God threw in that little special win for us at the same time. Silly as it might be, I was touched by it....ok, I can be a little emotional these days.
So, this week I'm thankful for flat rate boxes, goodies I can stuff in it, webcams, online games, the opportunity to communicate and love, the love of my husband, and the love and promises of our Lord and Savior. Happy Easter!!
*I love you Bubbers! Happy Easter!
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